1 reduced unit
1) Военный термин: часть сокращенного состава2) Техника: приведённая единица -
2 reduced unit
нормированная единица, приведённая единица ( физической величины) -
3 reduced unit
4 unit
организационная единица; боевая единица (напр. корабль, ЛА танк); подразделение; часть; соединение; расчетно-снабженческая единица; секция; орган; элемент; комплект; агрегат; установка; см. тж. elementbulk petrol (transport) unit — Бр. часть [подразделение] подвоза наливного (бестарного) горючего
counter C3 unit — часть [подразделение] подавления системы оперативного управления и связи
Fleet Marine (Corps) reconnaissance unit — разведывательное подразделение [часть] флотских сил МП
multisensor (AA) firing unit 3PK — с приборным комплексом из нескольких систем обнаружения и сопровождения
photo (graphic) reconnaissance unit — фоторазведывательная часть [подразделение]
surface-launched unit, fuel air explosive — установка дистанционного разминирования объемным взрывом
surface-launched unit, mine — установка дистанционного минирования
tactical (air) control unit — часть [подразделение] управления ТА
war (time) strength (TOE) unit — часть, укомплектованная по штатам военного времени
— air unit— ASA unit— BM unit— border operation unit— car unit— depot support unit— dry unit— EW unit— GM unit— host country unit— HQ unit— logistics support unit— manpack radio unit— marksmanship training unit— mechanized infantry unit— missile-armed unit— nuclear weapon unit— provisional unit— QM unit— Rangers unit— supported unit— TOE unit— transportation unit— truck transport unit— van unit— wet unit* * *1) часть; 2) единица -
5 reduced-stop cylinder drive
привод стопцилиндрового устройства, обеспечивающий выстой печатного цилиндраEnglish-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > reduced-stop cylinder drive
7 primary unit substation
комплектное устройство первичного распределения электроэнергии
Рис. ABBПараллельные тексты EN-RU
They are usually installed on the load side of MV/LV transformers or generators.
These assemblies include one or more incoming units, bus ties and a relatively reduced number of outgoing units.
There are also present measuring instruments and other switching and control equipment.
These assemblies have a sturdy structure to withstand the electrodynamic stresses and the weight of big sized apparatus.
As a matter of fact peculiar characteristics of the power center are high rated currents and shortcircuit currents.
The constructional type is a cubicle structure, with metal enclosure and sections divided into compartments with selective access.
[ABB]Такие устройства обычно подключают на стороне нагрузки СВ/НВ трансформаторов или генераторов.
В их состав входят один или несколько блоков ввода, шины и относительно небольшое число блоков вывода.
В состав комплектного устройства первичного распределения электроэнергии входят также измерительные приборы, коммутационные устройства и средства контроля состояния.
Данные комплектные устройства имеют прочную конструкцию, способную выдерживать электродинамическое действие токов и вес крупногабаритной аппаратуры.
Центры распределения электроэнергии характеризуются высокими номинальным током и током короткого замыкания.
С точки зрения конструктивного исполнения они представляют собой многошкафное комплектное устройство в металлической оболочке, состоящее из секций, каждая из которых разделена на отсеки с независимым доступом.
[Перевод Интент]Safety enclosed boards are used for most new installations. Common terms used to designate equipment of this type are metal-enclosed switchgear and metal-clad switchgear.
Most safety enclosed boards are of the unit or sectional type. They consist of a combination of the desired number and type of standardized unit sections.
Each section is a standard factory-assembled combination of a formed steel panel and apparatus mounted on a steel framework.
Safety enclosed switchgear may be classified with respect to purpose of application as follows:
1. General medium- or high-voltage switchgear
2. Primary unit substations
3. Rectifier unit substations
4. Secondary unit substations or power centers
5. General low-voltage switchgear
6. Low-voltage distribution switchboards
7. Motor-control-center switchboards
[American electricians’ handbook]Тематики
- НКУ (шкафы, пульты,...)
- комплектное распред. устройство (КРУ)
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > primary unit substation
8 приведенная единица
9 приведенная единица
Русско-английский аэрокосмический словарь > приведенная единица
10 приведенная единица
Авиация и космонавтика. Русско-английский словарь > приведенная единица
11 нормированная единица
reduced unit, normalized unitРусско-английский физический словарь > нормированная единица
12 единица
( натуральное число) unit, unity* * *едини́ца ж.1. ( измерения) unit2. ( число) unity, oneв едини́цах — in unitsв [на] едини́цу — per unitна едини́цу бо́льше или ме́ньше — greater or less by oneпринима́ть за едини́цу — take as a unitабсолю́тная едини́ца — absolute unitедини́ца акти́вности — activity unitакусти́ческая едини́ца — acoustical unitастрономи́ческая едини́ца — astronomical unitа́томная едини́ца — atomic unitа́томная едини́ца ма́ссы — atomic mass unit, AMUбезразме́рная едини́ца — dimensionless unitбонитиро́вочная едини́ца — evaluation unitвнесисте́мная едини́ца — off-system [arbitrary] unitедини́ца вы́зова — unit callдвои́чная едини́ца ( в теории информации) — binary unitедини́ца до́зы, энергети́ческая — energy doseдо́льные едини́цы — submultiple unitsедини́ца до́пуска — tolerance unitедини́ца измере́ния — unit of measurementедини́ца интенси́вности нагру́зки ( в теории массового обслуживания) — unit of traffic intensityедини́ца информа́ции — unit of information, information unitедини́ца информа́ции, двои́чная — bitедини́ца информа́ции, десяти́чная — the Hartleyедини́ца информа́ции, натура́льная — natural unit (of information)едини́ца информа́ции, энтропи́ческая — entropy unit (of information)кормова́я едини́ца — feed [fodder] unitкра́тные едини́цы — multiple unitsмагни́тные едини́цы — magnetic unitsедини́ца ма́ссы — mass unit, unit of massмаши́нная едини́ца — machine unitмеждунаро́дные едини́цы — international unitsметри́ческие едини́цы — metric unitsмехани́ческие едини́цы — mechanical unitsмни́мая едини́ца — imaginary unitмоне́тная едини́ца — monetary unitедини́ца мо́щности — power unitнекогере́нтная едини́ца — noncoherent unitнорми́рованная едини́ца — normalized [reduced] unitедини́ца объё́ма — volume unitосновны́е едини́цы — fundamental [basic] unitsотноси́тельная едини́ца — relative unitедини́ца перехо́дных поме́х свз. — crosstalk unitедини́ца пло́щади — unit of areaедини́ца по́езда, тормозна́я — braked carriage [car] unitприведё́нные едини́цы — reduced [normalized] unitsпроизво́дные едини́цы — derived unitsпроизво́льная едини́ца — arbitrary unitедини́ца рабо́ты — unit of workрадиологи́ческие едини́цы — radiological unitsедини́ца, разру́шенная то́ком за́писи — write-disturbed oneедини́ца, разру́шенная то́ком счи́тывания — read-disturbed oneсбо́рочная едини́ца — assembly unitсветовы́е едини́цы — photometric unitsедини́ца систе́мы СГС — centimeter-gramme-second unitедини́ца систе́мы МКС — meter-kilogramme-second unitедини́ца сообще́ния — message unitспло́точная едини́ца лес. — raft sectionсре́дняя едини́ца — middle unitструкту́рная едини́ца рез. — base unitедини́ца счё́та — countтаксономи́ческая едини́ца — taxonomic unit, taxonтари́фная едини́ца — charge unitтеплова́я едини́ца — caloricity [thermal] unitтехни́ческие едини́цы — practical unitsтя́говая едини́ца — traction unitусло́вная едини́ца — arbitrary unitедини́цы фи́зико-хими́ческих величи́н — units of physical and chemical quantitiesедини́ца физи́ческой величины́ — physical unitфотометри́ческая едини́ца — photometric unitэквивале́нтная едини́ца — equivalent unitэксплуатацио́нная едини́ца — operational unitедини́ца электри́ческого то́ка — electrical unitэлектромагни́тная едини́ца — electromagnetic unit, EMUэлектростати́ческая едини́ца — electrostatic unit, esu -
13 приведённая единица
1) Engineering: adjusted unit, reduced unit, relative unit2) Economy: equivalent unit3) Oil: normalized unit4) Makarov: equivalent unit (продукта), normalized unit (измерения)Универсальный русско-английский словарь > приведённая единица
14 приведённая единица
( физической величины) reduced unit, normalized unit -
15 часть сокращенного состава
Military: reduced unitУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > часть сокращенного состава
16 приведенный объем
[lang name="Russian"]объем продукта, находящегося в трубопроводе — line volume
17 суженный поток
[lang name="Russian"]миграционные потоки; перемещения населения — population flow
[lang name="Russian"]коммуникационный поток; поток указаний — communication flow
18 precio
m.1 price.¿qué precio tiene esta corbata? how much is this tie?está muy bien de precio it's very reasonably pricedprecio al contado cash priceprecio de compra purchase priceprecio de fábrica factory priceprecio indicativo guide priceprecio de mercado market priceprecio prohibitivo prohibitively high priceprecio de saldo bargain priceprecio de salida starting priceprecio de venta (al público) retail price2 price (sacrificio).pagaron un precio muy alto por la victoria they paid a very high price for victory, victory cost them dearlya cualquier precio at any price3 price tag.pres.indicat.1st person singular (yo) present indicative of spanish verb: preciar.* * *1 (coste) price■ ¿a qué precio está? how much is it?\a cualquier precio at any costa precio de coste at cost priceno tener precio figurado to be priceless* * *noun m.1) price, value2) cost* * *SM1) (=importe) [de producto] price; [de viaje] fare; [en hotel] rate, charge¿qué precio tiene? — how much is it?
a o por un precio simbólico — for a nominal o token sum
precio al detalle, precio al por menor — retail price
precio de coste, precio de costo — cost-price
precio de situación — LAm bargain price
precio de venta — sale price, selling price
precio tope — top price, ceiling price
2) (=coste, sacrificio)lo hará a cualquier precio — he'll do it whatever the cost o at any price
al precio de — frm at the cost of
ganó las elecciones, pero al precio de su integridad — he won the election but at the cost o expense of his integrity
3) frm (=valor) worth, value* * *1) ( de producto) pricesubir los precios — to raise prices, to put prices up
bajar los precios — to lower prices, to bring prices down
¿qué precio tiene este vestido? — how much is this dress?
precio al contado/a plazos — cash/credit price
pagar or comprar algo a precio de oro — to pay the earth o a fortune for something
poner precio a la cabeza de alguien — to put a price on somebody's head
2) (sacrificio, esfuerzo)logró lo que quería ¿pero a qué precio? — she got what she wanted, but at what price o cost?
* * *= price, price tag, price range, quote.Ex. Prices tend to be lower than those on SDC and DIALOG and this has obvious attractions.Ex. Many library services, which generally have been provided free to users, are likely to acquire price tags in the near future.Ex. The author reviews some of the features of text retrieval software packages currently on the market with notes on price ranges.Ex. This is the most cost-effective method of acquisition because of the opportunity to choose the least expensive quote from multiple quotes through increasing purchasing power.----* a bajo precio = lower-cost, lower-cost, at a low price, on the cheap.* a cualquier precio = at any cost, at all costs, at any price.* alcanzar un precio = fetch + Dinero.* al mejor precio = at the best price.* al mejor precio posible = at the best possible price.* alto precio = costliness.* a mitad de precio = at half price.* a precio de coste = at cost price, at cost.* a precio de costo = at cost price, at cost.* a precio de ganga = at a steal.* a precio especial = at reduced cost, discounted, cut-rate, cut-price.* a precio razonable = at reasonable cost(s).* a precio reducido = at a discount.* a precios competitivos = competitively priced.* a precios especiales = at reduced rates, at preferential rates.* a precios razonables = at affordable prices.* a su precio normal = at full price.* aumentar el precio = mark up + price, jack up + the price.* aumento de precios = price increase, increased price.* a un precio especial = at a discount.* a un precio módico = at affordable cost, at an affordable price.* a un precio muy razonable = at a very reasonable cost, at very reasonable cost.* a un precio razonable = at a reasonable cost, reasonably priced.* averiguar el precio = cost.* bajada de los precios = falling prices.* bajar de precio = come down in + price.* bajar el precio = lower + price.* bajar los precios = roll back + prices.* bajo precio = low cost.* buena relación calidad-precio = value for money.* caída de los precios = falling prices.* cambiar el precio = reprice, reprice.* cobrar un precio = charge + price.* comparación de precios = comparison shopping.* comparar precios = comparison shop.* competencia de precios = price competition.* condiciones de adquisición y/o precio = terms of availability and/or price.* de bajo precio = low-priced.* de precio fijo = fixed-price.* de precio medio = medium-priced.* de precio razonable = affordable.* de precio rebajado = cut-price, cut-rate.* descender de precio = come down in + price.* diferencia de precio = price differential.* diferencia de precios = price differentiation.* diferencias de precio = differential pricing.* fijación de precio de venta = pricing.* fijación de precios = fixing.* fijar precios = price, fix + price.* fijar precios altos = price + high.* fijar precios bajos = price + low.* fulminar los precios = slash + prices.* guerra de precios = pricing competition, price war.* índice de precios = price index.* índice de precios al consumo = consumer price index (CPI), cost of living index.* Indice de Precios al Consumo (IPC) = Retail Price Index (RPI).* información de precios = price information.* información de precios de productos para el consumo = retail prices.* manipulación de precios = price-fixing.* mantener los precios = hold + prices down.* mejor relación calidad-precio, la = best value for money, the.* mitad de precio = half price.* negociar el precio de Algo = negotiate + price.* obligar a subir el precio = force up + prices.* pagar el precio = meet + price.* pagar precio = pay + cost.* pagar un alto precio = pay + hefty price.* pagar un precio = pay + fee, pay + penalty.* pagar un precio alto por Algo = pay + a premium price for.* pagar un precio elevado = pay + hefty price.* pagar un precio exorbitante = pay through + the nose.* política de fijación de precios = pricing policy.* política de precios = pricing model, pricing policy.* poner el precio = price.* poner precio a la cabeza de Alguien = declare + open season on, put + a price on + Posesivo + head.* poner un precio a Algo muy alto = overprice.* precio abusivo = abusive price tag, abusive price.* precio abusivo, precio desorbidato = abusive price.* precio al por mayor = block rate, wholesale price, bulk rate.* precio + bajar = price + fall.* precio + caer = price + fall.* precio calculado según el tiempo empleado = time-based charge.* precio calculado según el tiempo de conexión = connect time based pricing.* precio calculado según el tiempo empleado = time-based charge.* precio competitivo = competitive price.* precio con descuento = discounted price, discount price.* precio de compra = purchase price.* precio de coste más margen de beneficios = cost-plus pricing.* precio de entrada = price of admission.* precio de la gasolina = fuel pump price.* precio de la habitación = room rate.* precio del aparcamiento = parking fee.* precio de las acciones = share price.* precio de la suscripción = subscription price.* precio de la vivienda = house price.* precio del billete = fare.* precio del billete de autobús = bus fare.* precio del billete de avión = airfare [air fare], airline fare.* precio del carburante = fuel price, fuel pump price.* precio del combustible = fuel price, fuel pump price.* precio del productor = producer price.* precio de salida = starting price.* precio + descender = price + fall.* precio desorbidato = abusive price tag, abusive price.* precio desorbitado = prohibitive price tag, prohibitive price.* precio de tarifa = list price, listed price.* precio de venta al público = retail price, cover price, list price, listed price.* precio + dispararse = price + spiral out of control, price + go through the roof, price + soar through the roof.* precio especial = reduced rate, special rate, reduced fee, discounted price, discount price, preferential rate.* precio especial por compra al por mayor = bulk deal.* precio excesivo = steep price, overpricing [over-pricing], inflated price.* precio fijo = fixed charge.* precio inflado = inflated price.* precio inicial = starting price.* precio íntegro = full price.* precio medio = average price.* precio mínimo = threshold price.* precio normal = full price.* precio para estudiantes = student rate.* precio + ponerse por las nubes = price + go through the roof, price + spiral out of control, price + spiral out of control, price + soar through the roof.* precio por unidad = unit price.* precio prohibitivo = prohibitively expensive, prohibitive price tag, prohibitive price.* precio razonable = fair price.* precio rebajado = marked-down price.* precio rebajado, precio reducido, descuento = marked-down price.* precios = pricing, price range, price rate, price structure.* precios competitivos = competitive rates.* precios con descuento = discount price.* precios de las materias primas = commodity prices.* precios descontrolados = runaway prices.* precios disparados = spiralling prices, runaway prices.* precios + dispararse = prices + spiral.* precios en alza = rising costs, runaway prices, runaway costs.* precio simbólico = nominal fee.* precios + ponerse por las nubes = prices + spiral.* precios por las nubes = spiralling prices.* que no tiene precio = priceless.* que tiene precio = priced.* rebajar el precio = cut + price.* rebajar los precios = knock down + prices, slash + prices.* reducción de los precios = price cut.* reducción de precios = pricecutting.* reducir el precio = reduce + price, cut + price.* relación calidad-precio = price-performance ratio.* sensible a los precios = price sensitive.* sin precio = unpriced.* subida de precios = price rise, rising costs, price increase, increased price, price hike, price hike.* subir de precio = rise in + price.* subir el precio = push + cost + up, raise + price, jack up + the price, rack up + the price.* susceptible a los precios = price sensitive.* tabla de comparación de precios = price-comparison table.* tarifa de precios = pricing structure, pricing algorithm, pricing scheme, pricing model, price structure.* tener un precio razonable = be reasonably priced.* tirado de precio = steal, at a steal.* vender a precio de costo = sell at + cost.* vender a precio de ganga = sell at + bargain price.* vender a un precio más barato que = undercut.* vender en el extranjero a precios inferiores que en el país de origen = dump.* venta a un precio más barato = undercutting.* * *1) ( de producto) pricesubir los precios — to raise prices, to put prices up
bajar los precios — to lower prices, to bring prices down
¿qué precio tiene este vestido? — how much is this dress?
precio al contado/a plazos — cash/credit price
pagar or comprar algo a precio de oro — to pay the earth o a fortune for something
poner precio a la cabeza de alguien — to put a price on somebody's head
2) (sacrificio, esfuerzo)logró lo que quería ¿pero a qué precio? — she got what she wanted, but at what price o cost?
* * *= price, price tag, price range, quote.Ex: Prices tend to be lower than those on SDC and DIALOG and this has obvious attractions.
Ex: Many library services, which generally have been provided free to users, are likely to acquire price tags in the near future.Ex: The author reviews some of the features of text retrieval software packages currently on the market with notes on price ranges.Ex: This is the most cost-effective method of acquisition because of the opportunity to choose the least expensive quote from multiple quotes through increasing purchasing power.* a bajo precio = lower-cost, lower-cost, at a low price, on the cheap.* a cualquier precio = at any cost, at all costs, at any price.* alcanzar un precio = fetch + Dinero.* al mejor precio = at the best price.* al mejor precio posible = at the best possible price.* alto precio = costliness.* a mitad de precio = at half price.* a precio de coste = at cost price, at cost.* a precio de costo = at cost price, at cost.* a precio de ganga = at a steal.* a precio especial = at reduced cost, discounted, cut-rate, cut-price.* a precio razonable = at reasonable cost(s).* a precio reducido = at a discount.* a precios competitivos = competitively priced.* a precios especiales = at reduced rates, at preferential rates.* a precios razonables = at affordable prices.* a su precio normal = at full price.* aumentar el precio = mark up + price, jack up + the price.* aumento de precios = price increase, increased price.* a un precio especial = at a discount.* a un precio módico = at affordable cost, at an affordable price.* a un precio muy razonable = at a very reasonable cost, at very reasonable cost.* a un precio razonable = at a reasonable cost, reasonably priced.* averiguar el precio = cost.* bajada de los precios = falling prices.* bajar de precio = come down in + price.* bajar el precio = lower + price.* bajar los precios = roll back + prices.* bajo precio = low cost.* buena relación calidad-precio = value for money.* caída de los precios = falling prices.* cambiar el precio = reprice, reprice.* cobrar un precio = charge + price.* comparación de precios = comparison shopping.* comparar precios = comparison shop.* competencia de precios = price competition.* condiciones de adquisición y/o precio = terms of availability and/or price.* de bajo precio = low-priced.* de precio fijo = fixed-price.* de precio medio = medium-priced.* de precio razonable = affordable.* de precio rebajado = cut-price, cut-rate.* descender de precio = come down in + price.* diferencia de precio = price differential.* diferencia de precios = price differentiation.* diferencias de precio = differential pricing.* fijación de precio de venta = pricing.* fijación de precios = fixing.* fijar precios = price, fix + price.* fijar precios altos = price + high.* fijar precios bajos = price + low.* fulminar los precios = slash + prices.* guerra de precios = pricing competition, price war.* índice de precios = price index.* índice de precios al consumo = consumer price index (CPI), cost of living index.* Indice de Precios al Consumo (IPC) = Retail Price Index (RPI).* información de precios = price information.* información de precios de productos para el consumo = retail prices.* manipulación de precios = price-fixing.* mantener los precios = hold + prices down.* mejor relación calidad-precio, la = best value for money, the.* mitad de precio = half price.* negociar el precio de Algo = negotiate + price.* obligar a subir el precio = force up + prices.* pagar el precio = meet + price.* pagar precio = pay + cost.* pagar un alto precio = pay + hefty price.* pagar un precio = pay + fee, pay + penalty.* pagar un precio alto por Algo = pay + a premium price for.* pagar un precio elevado = pay + hefty price.* pagar un precio exorbitante = pay through + the nose.* política de fijación de precios = pricing policy.* política de precios = pricing model, pricing policy.* poner el precio = price.* poner precio a la cabeza de Alguien = declare + open season on, put + a price on + Posesivo + head.* poner un precio a Algo muy alto = overprice.* precio abusivo = abusive price tag, abusive price.* precio abusivo, precio desorbidato = abusive price.* precio al por mayor = block rate, wholesale price, bulk rate.* precio + bajar = price + fall.* precio + caer = price + fall.* precio calculado según el tiempo empleado = time-based charge.* precio calculado según el tiempo de conexión = connect time based pricing.* precio calculado según el tiempo empleado = time-based charge.* precio competitivo = competitive price.* precio con descuento = discounted price, discount price.* precio de compra = purchase price.* precio de coste más margen de beneficios = cost-plus pricing.* precio de entrada = price of admission.* precio de la gasolina = fuel pump price.* precio de la habitación = room rate.* precio del aparcamiento = parking fee.* precio de las acciones = share price.* precio de la suscripción = subscription price.* precio de la vivienda = house price.* precio del billete = fare.* precio del billete de autobús = bus fare.* precio del billete de avión = airfare [air fare], airline fare.* precio del carburante = fuel price, fuel pump price.* precio del combustible = fuel price, fuel pump price.* precio del productor = producer price.* precio de salida = starting price.* precio + descender = price + fall.* precio desorbidato = abusive price tag, abusive price.* precio desorbitado = prohibitive price tag, prohibitive price.* precio de tarifa = list price, listed price.* precio de venta al público = retail price, cover price, list price, listed price.* precio + dispararse = price + spiral out of control, price + go through the roof, price + soar through the roof.* precio especial = reduced rate, special rate, reduced fee, discounted price, discount price, preferential rate.* precio especial por compra al por mayor = bulk deal.* precio excesivo = steep price, overpricing [over-pricing], inflated price.* precio fijo = fixed charge.* precio inflado = inflated price.* precio inicial = starting price.* precio íntegro = full price.* precio medio = average price.* precio mínimo = threshold price.* precio normal = full price.* precio para estudiantes = student rate.* precio + ponerse por las nubes = price + go through the roof, price + spiral out of control, price + spiral out of control, price + soar through the roof.* precio por unidad = unit price.* precio prohibitivo = prohibitively expensive, prohibitive price tag, prohibitive price.* precio razonable = fair price.* precio rebajado = marked-down price.* precio rebajado, precio reducido, descuento = marked-down price.* precios = pricing, price range, price rate, price structure.* precios competitivos = competitive rates.* precios con descuento = discount price.* precios de las materias primas = commodity prices.* precios descontrolados = runaway prices.* precios disparados = spiralling prices, runaway prices.* precios + dispararse = prices + spiral.* precios en alza = rising costs, runaway prices, runaway costs.* precio simbólico = nominal fee.* precios + ponerse por las nubes = prices + spiral.* precios por las nubes = spiralling prices.* que no tiene precio = priceless.* que tiene precio = priced.* rebajar el precio = cut + price.* rebajar los precios = knock down + prices, slash + prices.* reducción de los precios = price cut.* reducción de precios = pricecutting.* reducir el precio = reduce + price, cut + price.* relación calidad-precio = price-performance ratio.* sensible a los precios = price sensitive.* sin precio = unpriced.* subida de precios = price rise, rising costs, price increase, increased price, price hike, price hike.* subir de precio = rise in + price.* subir el precio = push + cost + up, raise + price, jack up + the price, rack up + the price.* susceptible a los precios = price sensitive.* tabla de comparación de precios = price-comparison table.* tarifa de precios = pricing structure, pricing algorithm, pricing scheme, pricing model, price structure.* tener un precio razonable = be reasonably priced.* tirado de precio = steal, at a steal.* vender a precio de costo = sell at + cost.* vender a precio de ganga = sell at + bargain price.* vender a un precio más barato que = undercut.* vender en el extranjero a precios inferiores que en el país de origen = dump.* venta a un precio más barato = undercutting.* * *A (de un producto) pricesubir los precios to raise prices, to put prices upbajar los precios to lower prices, to bring prices down¿qué precio tiene este vestido? what's the price of this dress?, how much is this dress?el precio del viaje the cost o price of the tripaquí la fruta está muy bien de precio fruit is very reasonably priced o very reasonable here, the price of fruit is very reasonable hereun precio al alcance de todos los bolsillos a price to suit everyone's pocket, a price everyone can affordlo compré a muy buen precio I got it for a very reasonable priceen esta zona los apartamentos tienen un precio prohibitivo apartments in this area are prohibitively expensivetiene un precio irrisorio it's ridiculously cheapel precio por unidad es (de) 5 euros they are 5 euros eachlibros a precios populares books at affordable pricesprecio al contado cash priceprecio a plazos credit pricea precio de saldo at a bargain price, at a knockdown price ( colloq)aún no han fijado el precio they still haven't fixed the pricehacer precio ( RPl); to lower the price, give a discountno tener precio to be pricelesseste anillo no tiene precio para mí for me this ring is pricelesssu ayuda no tiene precio her help has been invaluablepagar or comprar algo a precio de oro to pay the earth o a fortune for sthponer precio a la cabeza de algn to put a price on sb's headCompuestos:● precio al por mayor/menorwholesale/retail price, trade pricefixed priceopening pricesupport priceclosing pricepurchase pricecost pricestriking pricelaunch priceel precio del dinero the cost of money, the cost of borrowingmarket pricestarting pricethreshold pricesale price(de un alimento, medicamento) recommended retail price; (de un libro) published pricefactory (gate) price, price ex works ( BrE)psychological priceunit priceB(sacrificio, esfuerzo): logró lo que quería ¿pero a qué precio? she got what she wanted, but at what price o cost?impedirán a cualquier precio que se sepa la verdad they will go to any lengths to stop people knowing the truth, they will stop at nothing to hide the truthestá dispuesto a mantenerse en el cargo a cualquier precio he's determined to stay on at any price o at all costs o whatever the cost* * *
Del verbo preciar: ( conjugate preciar)
precio es:
1ª persona singular (yo) presente indicativo
preció es:
3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) pretérito indicativo
precio sustantivo masculino
1 ( de producto) price;◊ precio al contado/a plazos cash/credit price;
¿qué precio tiene este vestido? how much is this dress?;
precio de costo or (Esp) coste cost price;
precio de venta al público (de alimento, medicamento) recommended retail price;
( de libro) published price;
2 (sacrificio, costo) price, cost;
precio sustantivo masculino price, cost: ¿qué precio tiene este abrigo?, how much is this coat?
♦ Locuciones: a cualquier precio, at any cost: está dispuesta a conseguir ese puesto a cualquier precio, she's willing to do anything in order to get that job
no tener precio, to be priceless: las obras destruídas por las bombas no tenían precio, the works of art destroyed by the bombing were priceless
mi amistad no tiene precio, my friendship can't be bought
' precio' also found in these entries:
- abusivo
- ajustada
- ajustado
- alquiler
- alta
- alto
- arrendamiento
- cara
- caro
- cobrar
- concertar
- conveniente
- costar
- coste
- costo
- de
- demencial
- descender
- desorbitada
- desorbitado
- encarecer
- entrar
- estar
- lince
- mitad
- moderada
- moderado
- módica
- módico
- neta
- neto
- proporción
- rebaja
- rebajar
- regatear
- rondar
- salvajada
- según
- tarifa
- tasa
- tasar
- tributo
- unitaria
- unitario
- valer
- valor
- valorar
- accesible
- all-in
- approximate
- arm's length
- arrange
- asking price
- at
- bargain
- beat down
- bloody
- bring down
- cagey
- charge
- cheap
- command
- cost
- cut
- decrease
- dirt-cheap
- discount
- double
- down
- downturn
- drop
- excessive
- fall
- fare
- fix
- foresight
- freight
- gazumping
- going
- hefty
- high-end
- inexpensively
- inflated
- introductory
- jack up
- jump
- knock down
- low
- lower
- lowest
- mark down
- mark up
- market price
- mistaken
- moderate
- money
- name
* * *precio nm1. [en dinero] price;¿qué precio tiene esta corbata? how much is this tie?;subir los precios to put prices up;bajar los precios to bring prices down;ha subido el precio de la vivienda house prices have gone up;está muy bien de precio it's very reasonably priced;un precio prohibitivo a prohibitively high price;Andes Fama precio de huevo for next to nothing;a precio de oro: la merluza está a precio de oro hake has become ridiculously expensive;RPhacer precio a alguien to give sb a discount;poner precio a to put a price on;poner precio a la cabeza de alguien to put a price on sb's head;no tener precio to be pricelessBolsa precio de apertura opening price;precio de catálogo list price;Bolsa precio de cierre closing price;precio de compra purchase price;precio comprador bid price;precio al contado cash price;Esp precio de coste cost price;precio de costo cost price;comprar algo a precio de costo to buy sth at cost price;Bolsa precio de cotización quoted price; Fin el precio del dinero the cost of borrowing; Bolsa precio de ejercicio striking price;precio de fábrica factory price;precio indicativo guide price;precio de lanzamiento launch price;precio de lista list price;precio al por mayor trade price;precio de mercado market price;precio nominal nominal price;precio de oferta offer price;precio de saldo bargain price;precio de salida starting price;precio de salida a Bolsa issue price;precio simbólico nominal o token amount;precio tope top o ceiling price;precio por unidad unit price;precio unitario unit price;precio de venta (al público) retail price2. [sacrificio] price;es el precio de la fama it's the price of fame;pagaron un precio muy alto por la victoria they paid a very high price for victory, victory cost them dearly;a cualquier precio at any price;al precio de at the cost of* * *m price;precio por unidad unit price;a bajo precio at a low price;a mitad de precio at half price;estar bien de precio be reasonably priced;a buen precio at a good price;pagar a precio de oro pay a fortune for;no tener precio fig be priceless* * *precio nm1) : price2) : cost, sacrificea cualquier precio: whatever the cost* * *precio n price¿qué precio tiene? how much is it? -
19 Preis
Preis m (Pr.) GEN charge, price, pr. • alles hat seinen Preis GEN, MGT (infrml) there is no such thing as a free lunch • die Preise frisieren BÖRSE (infrml) fake the marks, (infrml) doctor the prices • die Preise gaben nach GEN prices receded (Volumen) • die Preise sind herabgesetzt worden BÖRSE prices have been marked down • Preis (ist) Verhandlungssache rate to be agreed, r.t.b.a. • Preise hochschrauben V&M push up prices • Preise hochtreiben V&M push up prices • Preise reduzieren V&M cut prices, reduce prices, sink prices • sich durch zu hohe Preise vom Markt ausschließen V&M price oneself out of the market • sich nach dem besten Preis umsehen V&M shop around for the best price • unter Preis anbieten V&M underprice • unter Preis angeboten V&M underpriced • unter Preis verkaufen V&M undercut • zu Preisen zwischen x und y GEN at prices ranging from x to y* * *m (Pr.) < Geschäft> charge, price (pr.) ■ alles hat seinen Preis <Geschäft, Mgmnt> there is no such thing as a free lunch infrml ■ die Preise frisieren infrml < Börse> fake the marks infrml, doctor the prices infrml ■ die Preise gaben nach < Geschäft> Volumen prices receded ■ die Preise sind herabgesetzt worden < Börse> prices have been marked down ■ Preise hochschrauben <V&M> push up prices ■ Preise hochtreiben <V&M> push up prices ■ Preise reduzieren <V&M> cut prices, reduce prices, sink prices ■ sich durch zu hohe Preise vom Markt ausschließen <V&M> price oneself out of the market ■ sich nach dem besten Preis umsehen <V&M> shop around for the best price ■ unter Preis anbieten <V&M> underprice ■ unter Preis angeboten <V&M> underpriced ■ unter Preis verkaufen <V&M> undercut ■ zu Preisen zwischen x und y < Geschäft> at prices ranging from x to y* * *Preis
price, (Belohnung) reward, premium, (Fahrgeld) fare, (Gebühr) charge, fee, (Kosten) cost[s], expense, price, (Satz) rate, figure, (Summe) amount, sum, (Tarif) rate, tariff, charge, (Wert) value, (im Wettbewerb) prize, award;
• auf der Grundlage der Preise vom Jahr 2002 at 2002 survey prices;
• bei anziehenden Preisen in a rising market, with attractive prices;
• bei sinkenden Preisen by (with) declining prices, at prices dropping;
• bis zum Preise von as high as;
• durch überhöhte Preise aus dem Markt gedrängt priced out of the market;
• mit Preisen versehen priced, price-tagged;
• niedrig im Preis low-priced;
• um jeden Preis for love of money;
• unter [dem Selbstkosten] Preis priced below cost;
• zu erhöhten Preisen at a higher price;
• zu ermäßigten Preisen at reduced (cut) prices;
• zu bedeutend ermäßigten Preisen at a sweeping reduction;
• zu festem Preis at a firm rate;
• zu herabgesetztem Preis at a reduced price, reduced, cut-price, at reduced rates, (Taxpreis) at a damaged valuation;
• zu teuren Preisen at a high cost;
• zu überhöhten Preisen eingekauft dear-bought, bought at excessive cost;
• zu unerschwinglichen Preisen at prices beyond one’s means;
• zu unveränderten Preisen at unchanged prices;
• zu einem vereinbarten Preis at an arranged price;
• zu zurückgesetztem Preis at a reduced price;
• zu einem Preis von etwa 10 Pfund at a cost of roughly L 10;
• zum Preise von costing, at the charge (rate) of;
• zum ermäßigten Preis at a lower rate;
• zum festgesetzten Preis at the given price;
• zum amtlich festgesetzten Preis at the established price;
• zum halben Preis at half price, for half the price;
• zum niedrigsten Preis dirt-cheap;
• zum vereinbarten Preis at the understood price;
• in verbindlichen Angeboten abgegebene Preise prices quoted in tenders;
• [vertraglich] abgemachter (abgesprochener, abgestimmter) Preis settled (stipulated) price, price agreed upon [by arrangement];
• abweichende Preise diverging prices;
• von der Preisliste abweichender Preis irregular price;
• überhöhter, vom Kunden akzeptierter Preis class price;
• allerniedrigster Preis rock-bottom price;
• amtlicher Preis official price;
• nicht amtlicher Preis (Börse) sidewalk price (US);
• angebotener Preis price offered;
• verbindlich angebotene Preise prices quoted in tenders;
• angegebener (angesetzter) Preis quoted price;
• auf der Rechnung angegebener Preis invoice[d] price;
• angehobener Preis advanced price;
• angemessener Preis reasonable (fair, adequate, equitable) price;
• annehmbarer Preis fair rate (price), reasonable price (terms);
• ansteigende Preise increasing prices;
• anziehender Preis attractive price;
• nachstehend aufgeführte Preise prices specified below;
• augenblicklicher Preis market price;
• vertraglich ausbedungener Preis price agreed upon, contract price;
• ausgehandelte Preise prices negotiated;
• ausgemachter Preis settled price, price agreed upon;
• ausgesetzter Preis offered price;
• ausgezeichneter Preis marked price;
• auskömmlicher Preis paying price;
• äußerster Preis rock-bottom (close, bedrock) price, cut rate, lowest computation (possible price), (Auktion) knockdown price;
• künstlich beeinflusster Preis manipulated price;
• vor Verkaufsbeginn von der Konkurrenz bekannt gegebener Preis open price;
• äußerst niedrig berechneter Preis rock-bottom price;
• bescheidene Preise moderate prices;
• vom Hersteller bestimmte Preise prices laid down by the manufacturer;
• beweglicher Preis elastic (flexible) price;
• bewirtschafteter Preis administered price;
• billiger Preis budget (moderate, low) price;
• bisheriger Preis previous rate;
• cif-Preis cif price;
• davonlaufende Preise prices running away;
• Herstellungs- und Generalkosten deckender Preis overhead price;
• nicht die Selbstkosten deckender Preis losing price;
• stark divergierende Preise wide prices;
• doppelter Preis (Anzeige) double rate;
• durchschnittlicher Preis average price;
• echter Preis commercial price;
• effektiver Preis real (actual) price;
• eingefrorene Preise frozen prices, price rigidity;
• eingependelter Preis established price;
• einheitlicher Preis uniform (standard) price;
• empfohlener Preis reference (suggested, recommended) price;
• über das Lohnniveau emporschnellende Preis prices outsoaring the wages;
• enormer Preis huge (ruinous) price;
• erhöhter Preis increased (inflated, higher, enhanced) price;
• ermäßigter Preis reduced (short, cut) price;
• Sicherungsvorschuss erschöpfender Preis (Termingeschäft) exhaust price;
• [tatsächlich] erzielter Preis price obtained, actual price;
• exorbitanter Preis exorbitant price;
• fakturierter Preis invoice[d] price;
• fallende Preise dropping (sagging, declining, receding, falling-off) prices;
• feste Preise standing (fixed, flat, steady) prices, (Schaufenster) no abatement (discount, reduction);
• fester Preis fixed (firm, standing) price;
• künstlich festgelegter Preis administered price;
• vertraglich festgelegter Preis stipulated price;
• festgesetzter Preis stated (fixed) price;
• amtlich festgesetzter Preis administered (controlled) price, price as fixed by the authorities;
• vertraglich festgesetzter Preis fixed contract price;
• fingierter Preis fictitious price;
• Frei-Grenze-Preis free-at-frontier price;
• Preis freibleibend, freibleibender Preis price subject to change without notice;
• friedensmäßige Preise prices at peace-time level;
• früherer Preis previous price;
• gangbarer Preis prevailing price;
• gängiger Preis salable price;
• garantierter Preis guaranteed price;
• gebotener Preis offer, bid (offered) price;
• gebundener Preis fixed (fixed-selling, maintained, controlled) price, (Einzelhandel) fixed (minimum) resale price, (Kartell) fixed cartel price;
• geforderter Preis asked price, charge;
• gegenwärtiger Preis ruling (current, prevailing, actual, market) price;
• künstlich gehaltener Preis pegged price;
• mit einem Index gekoppelter Preis index-linked price;
• gelenkter Preis controlled price;
• geltender Preis prevailing (ruling) price;
• augenblicklich geltender Preis ruling (present, going, market, current) price;
• in der ganzen Industrie geltender Preis industry-wide price;
• genauester Preis nearest price;
• genehmigter Preis approved price;
• genormter Preis standardized price;
• gepfefferte Preise steep prices;
• zu geringer Preis underrated price;
• gestaffelter Preis graduated (scheduled) price;
• gesteuerter Preis manipulated price;
• gestoppter Preis stop price;
• gestützter Preis pegged (support[ed]) price;
• gesunkener Preis reduced (diminished, dropped, sagged) price;
• gewöhnlicher Preis customary charge, common price (charge);
• für den Fortschritt gezahlter Preis price paid for progress;
• gleitender Preis price subject to amendment, escalation (sliding-scale) price;
• [augenblicklich] gültiger Preis going (current, market) price;
• allgemein gültiger Preis allround price;
• im internen Verrechnungsverkehr gültiger Preis internal price;
• günstige Preise favo(u)rable terms (prices);
• günstiger Preis favo(u)rable (attractive) price;
• sehr günstiger Preis highly concessional price;
• halber Preis half price;
• handelsüblicher Preis market (ruling) price;
• herabgesetzter Preis reduced (marked-down, cut rate) price;
• nicht herabgesetzter Preis full price;
• heraufgesetzter Preis put-up (marked-up) price;
• hochgestochener Preis high-flying price;
• höchster Preis ceiling (maximum) price, price ceiling;
• hoher Preis long (high, advanced) price;
• besonders hoher Preis extra high price;
• entschieden zu hohe Preise definitely too high prices;
• unverhältnismäßig hoher Preis excessive price;
• inflationistische (inflationäre) Preise inflationary prices;
• inländischer Preis domestic (home-market) price;
• jetzige Preise current prices;
• kalkulierter Preis calculated price;
• äußerst kalkulierter Preis rock-bottom price;
• niedrigst kalkulierter Preis bargain level;
• scharf kalkulierter Preis price cut very fine, cut-rate (close) price;
• knappheitsbedingter Preis scarcity price;
• konkurrenzfähiger Preis competitive (keener) price;
• nicht konkurrenzfähiger Preis uncompetitive price;
• konkurrenzloser Preis unrival(l)ed (unmatched) price;
• konstante Preise constant prices, price stability;
• kostendeckender Preis price covering the costs of production;
• kriminelle Preise cutthroat prices;
• laufender Preis ruling price;
• zugrunde zu legender Preis price to be considered;
• leidlicher Preis fairly good price;
• letzte Preise previous rates;
• letzter Preis lowest limit (price);
• limitierter Preis limited price;
• lohnender (lukrativer) Preis remunerative (paying) price;
• manipulierter Preis managed (manipulated) price;
• marktentscheidender Preis key price;
• marktgängige Preise usual market prices;
• marktgemäßer (marktgerechter) Preis fair market price;
• marktkonformer Preis full economic price;
• mäßiger Preis moderate (reasonable) price;
• minimaler Preis minimum price;
• mittlerer Preis average price;
• mörderischer Preis cutthroat (ruinously high) price;
• nachbörsliche Preise street (kerb) prices (Br.), outside (curb, US) prices;
• nachfragebedingter Preis demand-led price;
• nachgebende Preise easing (falling, sagging, receding) prices;
• niedriger Preis low price, undercharge;
• äußerst niedrige Preise keen prices;
• niedrigster Preis bottom ( lowest possible, minimum) price, bargain level;
• nomineller Preis nominal price;
• notierter Preis market (quoted, listed, US) value;
• fortlaufend notierter Preis consecutively quoted price;
• obiger Preis above quotation;
• optischer Preis charm price;
• ortsüblicher Preis customary (local) price;
• populäre Preise popular prices;
• psychologische Preise psychological price [point];
• purzelnde Preise tumbling prices;
• reduzierter Preis reduced (short, cut) price;
• äußerst reduzierter Preis lowest [possible] rate;
• reeller Preis fair (moderate) price;
• regulärer Preis regular price;
• regulierter Preis administered price;
• richtiger Preis adequate price;
• rückgängige Preise dropping (sagging, declining) prices;
• rückläufige Preise retrograde (receding, declining, falling, drooping) prices;
• ruinöser Preis ruinous (cutthroat) price;
• saisonbedingter Preis seasonal price;
• in die Höhe schnellende Preise soaring prices;
• ganz schöner Preis smart price (coll.);
• schwacher Preis weak price;
• schwankende Preise varying (fluctuating) prices;
• sinkende Preise sagging (declining, falling) prices;
• solider Preis moderate (fair) price;
• spekulativer Preis speculative price;
• spottbilliger Preis ridiculously low price;
• stabiler Preis steady (stable, settled, stationary, firm, sticky, US) price;
• starrer Preis rigid price;
• stehender Preis fixed price;
• steigende Preise increasing (rising, advancing) prices;
• langsam steigende Preise creeping prices;
• schnell steigende Preise soaring (booming) prices;
• sprunghaft steigende Preise soaring prices;
• subventionierter Preis subsidized (support[ed], pegged) price;
• nicht subventionierter Preis full economic price;
• tatsächlicher Preis actual price;
• tragbarer Preis reasonable price;
• überhöhter Preis class (stiff, coll., excessive, exaggerated, prohibitive) price;
• künstlich überhöhte Preise inflated (artificially high) prices;
• übermäßiger Preis exorbitant price;
• übersetzter Preis exaggerated (overcharged) price;
• üblicher Preis market (current, customary) price, customer charge;
• unabhängiger Preis free price;
• vom Lieferort unabhängiger Preis uniform delivered price (US);
• unangemessener Preis unreasonable price;
• unbescheidener Preis unreasonable price;
• unbeschränkter Preis unlimited price;
• unelastischer Preis rigid price;
• unerhörter Preis fabulous price;
• unerschwinglicher Preis prohibitive price;
• ungebundener Preis free (uncontrolled) price;
• unterschiedliche Preise discriminating prices;
• unterschwelliger Preis submarginal price;
• untragbare Preise prohibitive prices;
• unveränderte Preise unchanged rates (prices);
• unverbindliche Preise prices subject to alteration (without commitment);
• unverschämter Preis steep (outrageous, exorbitant) price;
• völlig unzulänglicher Preis inadequate price;
• verbindlicher Preis operative price;
• [vertraglich] vereinbarter Preis price agreed upon [by arrangement], stipulated (agreed, contract) price;
• vertretbarer Preis comparable price;
• volkstümlicher Preis popular price;
• voller Preis full price;
• vorgeschriebener Preis administered price;
• vorheriger Preis previous price;
• vorteilhafte Preise attractive prices;
• weichende Preise sagging (declining, retroactive, falling) prices;
• wettbewerbsfähiger Preis competitive price;
• willkürlicher Preis arbitrary price;
• zivile Preise moderate (reasonable) prices, moderate charges;
• auf den Höchstpreis zurückgesetzter Preis rollback price (US);
• Preis bei der Anlieferung landed cost;
• Preis für eine doppelseitige Anzeige in Heftmitte center- (centre-, Br.) spread price;
• Preis für vierfarbige Anzeigen 4-colo(u)r rate;
• Preis laut gültigem Anzeigentarif rate-card price;
• Preis bei Barzahlung cash price;
• Preis in Bausch und Bogen allround (overhead) price;
• Preise einschließlich Bedienung (Restaurant) terms inclusive of service;
• Preise unter Berücksichtigung der Qualität prices adjusted to quality;
• Preis frei Bestimmungshafen landed cost (price);
• Preis zur Einführung eines Produktes early-bird price;
• Preis per Einheit unit price;
• Preis für den Endverbraucher price for the ultimate consumer;
• Preise für Endverbraucher incl. Mehrwertsteuer (Mwst.) prices inclusive of VAT;
• Preis ab Erzeuger factory price;
• Preise der Erzeugnisse product (producer’s) prices;
• Preise landwirtschaftlicher Erzeugnisse agricultural (farm) prices;
• Preis ab Fabrik factory-gate price;
• Preis des trockenen Gedecks (Hotel) price of the dinner excluding wine; Preis
• einschließlich Gemeinkosten overhead price;
• Preis frei Grenze (EU) free-to-frontier price;
• Preis für Güter und Dienstleistungen cost of goods and services;
• Preis zweiter Hand secondhand price;
• Preis frei Haus delivered-in price, in-the-mail price;
• Preis einschließlich aller Kosten allround price;
• Preis einschließlich (incl.) sämtlicher Kosten bis zum Schiff, Preis frei Längsseite Schiff free alongside ship price, price free alongside ship;
• Preis ab Lager ex-store price; Preis
• einschließlich Lieferkosten delivered price;
• Preis für künftige Lieferung forward (terminal, Br.) price;
• Preis bei sofortiger Lieferung price ex store, spot quotation;
• Preis eines Markenerzeugnisses brand price;
• Preise verstehen sich einschließlich Mehrwertsteuer prices include value-added tax (VAT);
• Preis für greifbare Mengen spot price;
• Preise bei Mengenabnahme prices shaded for quantities;
• Preis mit Mengenrabatt quantity (multi-unit, Br.) price;
• Preis einschließlich Porto und Verpackung price inclusive of postage and packing;
• Preise für eine Produktfamilie price combination (Br.);
• Preis bei Ratenzahlung hire-purchase (Br.) (time, deferred-payment, US) price;
• Preis außerhalb der Saison off-season price;
• Preis ab Schacht pithead price;
• Preis ab Speicher ex-warehouse price;
• Preis für Stromverbrauch electricity rate;
• Preis pro Stück unit price;
• Preise nach dem Tarif tariff rates;
• Preis für Termingeschäfte futures price (US);
• Preis für Übernachtung und Frühstück price for bed and breakfast;
• Preis unverzollt price ex tax;
• Preis ist Verhandlungssache price is a matter for negotiation;
• Preis ohne Verpackung price excluding packing;
• Preis ab Versandbahnhof at-station price;
• Preise für Vorsteuerabzugsberechtigte prices exclusive of VAT;
• Preis für unverzollte Ware im Zolllager in-bond price;
• Preis auf dem Weltmarkt world price;
• Preis ab Werk price ex works, trade (factory) price;
• Preis unter dem Wert underprice;
• Preis für Wiederverkäufer discount price;
• Preis ab Zeche pithead price;
• Preise in Zeiten der Hochkonjunktur boomtime prices;
• Preise abbauen to cut (reduce) prices;
• Preis abflachen to flatten prices;
• vom Preis abhandeln to obtain a reduction;
• zum alten Preis ablassen to charge the old price;
• Preise absprechen to settle prices;
• jem. einen Preis für etw. abverlangen to charge s. o. a price for s. th.;
• auf die Preise abwälzen to pass on prices;
• vom Preis abziehen to knock off the price;
• Preise angeben to quote (state) prices;
• äußersten Preis angeben to quote the outside price;
• Preise auch in Euro angeben to mark prices also in euros;
• Preise wahrheitsgemäß angeben to state prices truthfully;
• Preise angleichen to adjust prices;
• Preise schrittweise angleichen (EU) to approximate prices progressively;
• Preise anheben to jack up (coll.) (increase) prices;
• Preise anpassen to adjust (align) prices;
• Preis ansetzen to price;
• im Preis aufschlagen to go (run) higher, to put on the price;
• hohe Preise aufzwingen to corner;
• Preis aushandeln to negotiate a price;
• Preis ausmachen to agree upon a price;
• Preis aussetzen to put a premium (prize) on;
• Preis für jds. Kopf aussetzen to put a price on s. one’s head;
• mit einem Preis auszeichnen to distinguish with a prize;
• mit einem höheren Preis auszeichnen to mark up;
• Preise beeinflussen to influence prices;
• seinen Preis beibehalten to hold its price;
• in einem Wettbewerb den ersten Preis bekommen to obtain the first prize in a competition;
• etw. zu einem exorbitanten Preis bekommen to obtain s. th. at a ransom price;
• Preis berechnen to arrive at (calculate) a price;
• alten Preis berechnen to charge the old price;
• jem. einen zu hohen Preis berechnen to overcharge s. o.;
• niedrige Preise berechnen to ask moderate prices;
• Preis bestimmen to fix (go into, determine) a price;
• angemessenen Preis für etw. bezahlen to buy s. th. for what it is worth;
• doppelten Preis bezahlen to pay double the price;
• Preis bieten to offer a price;
• angemessenen Preis bieten to bid a fair price;
• Preise durcheinander bringen to put a crimp in prices (sl.);
• Preis davontragen to carry the day (away the bell), to take the cake;
• Preise drücken to bring (run, beat, coll.) down (bang) prices, to cut off prices;
• Preise einfrieren to freeze prices (US);
• sich auf einen Preis einigen to agree upon a price;
• Preis empfehlen to recommend (suggest) a price;
• sich durch überhöhte Preise den Markt entfremden to price o. s. out of the market;
• Preis erfragen to enquire about the price;
• Preis erhöhen to advance (raise, put up, increase, spike) a price;
• Preise sprunghaft erhöhen to jump prices;
• Preise immer weiter erhöhen to pyramid prices;
• sich nach dem Preis erkundigen to ask (enquire about) the price;
• Preis ermäßigen to bring down (decrease) a price;
• Preis ermitteln to arrive at a price;
• Preis erreichen (erzielen) to realize (obtain, reach) a price;
• bessere Preise erzielen to secure higher prices;
• im Preis fallen to sag in price, to depreciate;
• um den Preis feilschen to haggle over (about) the price;
• Preis festlegen (festsetzen, feststellen) to price, to quote (determine, make, arrive at, ascertain, name, fix, lay down) a price, to tariff;
• Preis amtlich festlegen (festsetzen) to establish a price;
• Preise entsprechend dem amtlichen Preisindex festsetzen to gear prices to formulas based on government price indexes;
• als Preis fordern to charge (name) a price, to tax (US);
• nach dem Preis fragen to enquire about (ask) the price;
• Preise freigeben to release (decontrol) prices;
• Preis genehmigen to approve of a price;
• Preis gewinnen to obtain (win) a prize;
• ersten Preis auf einer Landwirtschaftsausstellung gewinnen to take the first prize at an agricultural show;
• höchste Preise bei einem Wettbewerb gewinnen to win top hono(u)rs in a competition;
• seinen Preis haben to have a certain value;
• Auswirkungen auf die Preise haben to have repercussions on prices;
• verschiedene Preise haben to differ in price;
• auf Preise halten to stick to prices;
• sich weitgehend an die festgesetzten Preise halten to keep as near as possible to the prices quoted;
• sich im Preis halten to hold up its price;
• Preis auf einer amtlich festgesetzten Höhe halten to freeze a price (US);
• Preise niedrig halten to keep prices down, to hold down prices
• Preise stabil halten to hold the line on prices;
• Preis herabdrücken to bring (force) down (depress, send, squeeze down) the price;
• Preis herabsetzen to abate (sink, bring down, mark down) a price, to cheapen;
• Preise stark herabsetzen to chop prices;
• Preise stillschweigend herabsetzen to cut prices on the quiet;
• Preis heraufsetzen to put up (increase) a price;
• Preise herauftreiben to jump up prices;
• Preise herunterdrücken to bring (force, send, squeeze) down (screw) prices;
• mit dem Preis heruntergehen to reduce the price;
• Preis herunterhandeln to get a price reduced, to beat down a price (coll.);
• Preise hinaufschrauben to level (screw, send) up prices, to rig the market;
• Preise hinauftreiben to boost prices;
• Preise hochhalten to keep prices up;
• Preis hochschrauben to screw up (lift) prices;
• Preise hochtreiben to boost (puff up) prices, to bull (rig, Br.) the market;
• sich einen Preis holen to land a prize (coll.);
• Preis kalkulieren to arrive at (make out, calculate) a price;
• Preise schärfstens kalkulieren to cut prices to the minimum;
• Preis sehr vorsichtig kalkulieren to establish a price at a low level;
• zu festen Preisen kaufen to buy firm (on the scale);
• etw. zu herabgesetzten Preis kaufen to buy s. th. at a bargain;
• unter Preis kaufen to underbuy;
• völlig unsinnigen Preis kosten to cost prohibitively high;
• Preise lenken to control prices;
• unter dem Preis losschlagen to sell under value, to let go under price;
• zu jedem Preis losschlagen to sell at a sacrifice;
• Preis mindern to reduce a price;
• [vom] Preis nachlassen to take off the (make an allowance upon, make a reduction in, abate a) price;
• Preis nennen to indicate (name) a price;
• mit der Ladenkasse den Preis notieren to ring up the price;
• Preis realisieren to obtain a price;
• Preis reduzieren to lower (reduce) a price;
• Preis regulieren to control a price;
• nicht auf den Preis sehen not to consider the price;
• mit einem Preis einverstanden sein to be willing to pay a price;
• im Preis konkurrenzfähig sein to be competitively priced;
• Preis senken to lower (reduce) a price;
• Preis drastisch senken to slash a price dramatically;
• Preise durch Subventionsmaßnahmen senken to roll back prices (US);
• im Preise sinken to look down[wards], to run off;
• Preise stabilisieren to stabilize prices;
• im Preis stehen to be worth;
• hoch im Preis stehen to command a high price;
• im Preis steigen to increase (advance, enhance, go up) in price, to get (run) up, to bull;
• im Preis steigern to raise price;
• Preise stützen to peg (buttress, support, US) prices;
• Preise in die Höhe treiben to drive up the prices, to bid up [prices], to rig the market;
• Preise überbieten to outbid prices;
• amtlich festgelegten Preis überschreiten to sell s. th. above the established price;
• Preise unterbieten (verderben) to undercut (cut s. one’s) prices;
• Preis vereinbaren to agree upon (negotiate) a price;
• über einen Preis verhandeln to negotiate a price;
• zu einem festen Preis verkaufen to sell at a fixed price;
• etw. zum halben Preis verkaufen to sell s. th. half-price;
• zu höheren als den amtlich festgesetzten Preisen verkaufen to sell above the established prices;
• zu niedrigerem Preis verkaufen to sell under value, to undersell;
• über Preis verkaufen to sell s. th. above the established price;
• unter Preis verkaufen to sell under price;
• zu einem vernünftigen Preis verkaufen to sell at a reasonable rate;
• Preis verlangen to demand a price;
• zu hohen Preis verlangen to overprice;
• während der Saison enorm hohe Preise verlangen to stick it on during the busy season;
• zu hohe Preise für eine Lieferung verlangen to overcharge goods;
• mit einem Preis versehen to price;
• Preise verteilen to distribute (present) the prizes;
• im Preise billiger werden to decline in price;
• zu wettbewerbsfähigen Preisen von der landwirtschaftlichen Bevölkerung erzeugt werden to be produced at competitive prices by the farming population;
• durch hohe Preise vom Markt verdrängt werden to be priced out of the market;
• ermäßigte Preise durch große Umsätze wettmachen to sell at a low price and recoup o. s. by large sales;
• vollen Preis zahlen to pay full fare;
• im Preis zurückgehen to be on the decline;
• Preise gelten nur bei postwendender Bestellung prices valid subject to immediate acceptance;
• Frühstück ist im Preis einbezogen the terms are inclusive of breakfast;
• die Preise sind ins Bodenlose gesunken the bottom has fallen out of the market;
• der Preis spielt keine Rolle price is no object;
• der Preis unterliegt einem Rabatt von fünf Prozent the price is subject to a discount of five percent;
• Preise ziehen heftig (kräftig) an prices rise sharply;
• Preisabbau price cut, cut in (cutting of, fall in, decline in, reduction of, lowering of) prices;
• Preisabfall decline in prices;
• Preis abkommen, Preisabmachung price[-fixing] agreement;
• staatliches Preisabkommen price code (Br.);
• Preis- und Förderungsabkommen (OPEC) agreement on pricing and production;
• Preisabnahme fall (drop, decline) in prices;
• Preisabrede price [-fixing] agreement, pricing arrangement;
• Preisabschlag discount, allowance, price deduction (reduction), abatement;
• jem. einen Preisabschlag einräumen (gewähren) to allow a reduced price to s. o., to make an allowance on the (a reduction in) price;
• durchschnittlicher Preisabschlag von 3% bei hundert Grundnahrungsmitteln erzwingen to trim 3% on average off the prices of some 100 basic items;
• Preisabschwächung easing (sagging) of prices, price weakness;
• Preisabsprache price agreement (arrangement, scheme), (Kartell) price fixing;
• verbotene Preisabsprache illegal price fixing;
• Preisabstand disparity in prices, margin;
• Preisabstufung graduation of prices;
• Preisabweichung price (value) variance, price difference;
• Preisaktion price action;
• Preisänderung price change (variance, modifications, alterations), alteration in price;
• Preisänderungen vorbehalten subject to alterations, prices subject to change without notice;
• relative Preisänderung proportionate change in price;
• Preisänderungsklausel repricing clause;
• Preisänderungsmitteilung price-change slip;
• Preisanfrage inquiry as to price, price inquiry, request for quotation. -
20 тариф
тариф сущtariffАгентство по пропорциональным тарифамProrate AgencyАфриканская конференция по авиационным тарифамAfrican Air Tariff Conferenceаэропортовый тарифairport tariffбагажный тарифbaggage rateбазисный тарифbasic fareбазовый тарифfare construction unitбилет по основному тарифуnormal fare ticketвведение в действие пассажирских и грузовых тарифовfares and rates enforcementвведение тарифовfare-settingверхний предел тарифа промежуточного классаhigher intermediate fareвнесезонный тарифoff-season fareвновь введенный тариф1. innovative fare2. innovative rate внутренний тариф1. internal fare2. domestic fare грузовая поездка со скидкой тарифовincentive group travelгрузовой тариф1. freight rate2. cargo rate групповой тарифgroup fareдействующий тарифapplicable fareдетский тарифchild fareдеятельность по координации тарифовtariff coordinating activityдифференцированный тарифdifferential rateдополнительный тарифextra fareединица при построении грузовых тарифовrate construction unitединый тариф1. flat fare2. flat rate единый тариф на полет в двух направленияхtwo-way fareзакрытый тарифclosed rateисходный уровень тарифаreference fare levelколичественный тарифquantity rateкомбинированный сквозной тарифcombination through fareкомбинированный тарифcombination fareКомиссия по нарушению тарифовBreachers CommissionКомитет по поощрительным тарифамCreative Fares BoardКомитет по специальным грузовым тарифамSpecific Commodity Rates BoardКонференция по координации тарифовTariff Co-ordinating Conferenceльготный тариф1. low fare2. discount fare 3. reduced tariff 4. concession fare 5. discount rate льготный целевой тарифcreative fareмежсезонный тарифshoulder season fareместный тарифlocal fareмолодежный тарифyouth fareнеопубликованный тарифunpublished fareнесоблюдение тарифовtariff violationнижний предел тарифа туристического классаeconomy fareобщий тариф на перевозку разносортных грузовfreight-all-kinds rateОбъединенная конференция по грузовым тарифамComposite cargo Traffic ConferenceОбъединенная конференция по координации пассажирских тарифовComposite Passenger Tariff Co-ordinating Conferenceобъединенный тарифjoint fareобъявленный тарифpublic fareобычно действующий тарифnormal applicable fareобычный тариф экономического классаnormal economy fareодносторонний тариф1. one-way rate2. one-way fare одобренный тарифadopted tariffопубликованный тарифpublished fareопубликовывать тарифыdisclose the faresосновной грузовой тарифgeneral cargo rateосновной тарифfare basisОтдел по соблюдению тарифовCompliance Departmentоткрытый тарифopen rateпассажир по полному тарифуadultпассажирский тарифpassenger fareпервоначальный тарифinaugural fareперевозка по специальному тарифуunit toll transportationперевозки по тарифу туристического классаcoach trafficповышение тарифаfare upgradingполный тарифadult fareпоощрительный тариф1. incentive fare2. promotional fare порядок введения тарифовfare-setting machineryпорядок подготовки тарифовfare-making machineryпорядок утверждения тарифовfare-fixing machineryпостроение тарифовfare constructionправила построения тарифовfare construction rulesпредварительный тарифpackage type fareприемлемый тарифmatching fareприменение тарифовapplication of tariffsприменяемый тарифapplicable tariffпринятый тариф1. adopted rate2. adopted fare пропорционально распределенный тарифprorated fareпропорциональный дополнительный тарифadd-on fareпропорциональный тарифproportional fareразница в тарифах по классамclass differentialразовый тарифarbitrary fareрасчетный тарифconstructed fareрасчет тарифаfare calculationрегулирование тарифовrate-settingрежим закрытых тарифовclosed-rate situationрежим открытых тарифовopen-rate situationсборник пассажирских тарифов на воздушную перевозкуAir Passenger Tariffсверхльготный тарифdeep discount fareсезонный тариф1. shoulder fare2. on-season fare Секция тарифов воздушных перевозчиковAir Carrier Tariffs Section(ИКАО) семейный тарифfamily fareсквозной тариф1. through fare2. through rate скидка с тарифа1. fare taper2. reduction on fare скидка с тарифа за дальностьdistance fare taperсниженный тариф1. reduced rate2. reduced fare соблюдать опубликованный тарифcomply with published tariffСовместный комитет по специальным грузовым тарифамJoint service Commodity Rates Boardсовместный тариф между авиакомпаниямиinterline fareсогласованная статья двустороннего соглашения о тарифахstandard bilateral tariff clauseсогласованный тариф1. agreed rate2. agreed fare соглашение по пассажирским и грузовым тарифамfares and rates agreementсоглашение по тарифамtariff agreementсоставной тарифcombined fareспециально установленный тарифspecified fareспециальный грузовой тарифspecific commodity rateспециальный тарифspecial fareспециальный тариф за перевозку транспортируемой единицыunit tollстандартный отраслевой уровень тарифовstandard industry fare levelстандартный уровень зарубежных тарифовstandard foreign fare levelстатья об авиационных тарифахair tariff clauseструктура тарифовfare structureстуденческий тарифstudent fareтариф без скидокnormal fareтариф бизнес-классаbusiness class fareтариф в местной валютеlocal currency fareтариф вне сезона пикoff-peak fareтариф в одном направленииdirectional rateтариф для беженцевrefugee fareтариф для младенцевinfant fareтариф для моряковseaman's fareтариф для навалочных грузовbulk unitization rateтариф для отдельного участка полетаsectorial fareтариф для пары пассажировtwo-in-one fareтариф для перевозки с неподтвержденным бронированиемstandby fareтариф для переселенцевmigrant fareтариф для полета в одном направленииsingle fareтариф для полетов внутри одной страныcabotage fareтариф для рабочихworker fareтариф для специализированной группыaffinity group fareтариф для супружеской парыspouse fareтариф для членов экипажей морских судовship's crew fareтариф для эмигрантовemigrant fareтариф за багаж сверх нормыexcess baggage rateтариф за перевозку1. fare for carriage2. conveyance rate тариф за перевозку грузов в специальном приспособлении для комплектованияunit load device rateтариф за перевозку несопровождаемого багажаunaccompanied baggage rateтариф за полное обслуживаниеinclusive fareтариф за рейс вне расписанияnonscheduled tariffтариф кругового маршрутаcircle trip fareтариф между двумя пунктамиpoint-to-point fareтариф на воздушную перевозку пассажираair fareтариф на оптовую чартерную перевозкуwholesale charter rateтариф на отдельном участке полетаsectorial rateтариф на перевозку почтыmail rateтариф на перевозку товаровcommodity rateтариф на полет в ночное время сутокnight fareтариф на полет по замкнутому кругуround trip fareтариф на полет с возвратом в течение сутокday round trip fareтариф на путешествиеtrip fareтариф первого классаfirst-class fareтариф перевозки туристических групп, укомплектованных эксплуатантомtour operator's package fareтариф по контрактуcontract rateтариф по незамкнутому круговому маршрутуopen-jaw fareтариф при предварительном бронированииadvance booking fareтариф при предварительном приобретении билетаadvance purchase fareтариф при приобретении билета непосредственно перед вылетомinstant purchase fareтариф при регулярной воздушной перевозкиregular fareтариф при свободной продажеopen-market fareтариф промежуточного классаintermediate class fareтариф прямого маршрутаdirect fareтариф сезона пикpeak fareтариф стоимости перевозкиfareтариф туда-обратноreturn fareтариф туристического класса1. coach fare2. tourist fare уровень тарифовfare levelусловный тарифbasing fareустановление тарифаmarket pricingустановление тарифовtariff settingутверждать тарифapprove the tariffутвержденный тариф1. approved rate2. approved fare чартерный тариф1. charter rate2. charter class fare экскурсионный тариф1. tour-basing fare2. excursion fare
См. также в других словарях:
reduced unit — redukuotasis vienetas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. reduced unit vok. reduzierte Einheit, f rus. приведённая единица, f pranc. unité normalisée, f; unité réduite, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Reduced mass — is the effective inertial mass appearing in the two body problem of Newtonian mechanics. This is a quantity with the unit of mass, which allows the two body problem to be solved as if it were a one body problem. Note however that the mass… … Wikipedia
Unit Valuation System — The Unit Valuation System (UVS) was developed by Mutual Funds and Unit Trusts, as a means of determining fund performance in an environment where there are frequent cash contributions and withdrawals. The UVS is commonly used by Investment Clubs… … Wikipedia
Unit sphere — some unit spheres In mathematics, a unit sphere is the set of points of distance 1 from a fixed central point, where a generalized concept of distance may be used; a closed unit ball is the set of points of distance less than or equal to 1 from a … Wikipedia
Unit fine — A unit fine system is a judicial sentence in which the amount of the fine depends upon the offender s means.DistributionUnit fine systems are common and standard in many jurisdictions across the world, notably in Commonwealth countries such as… … Wikipedia
Unit load — A unit load combines packages or items into a single unit of a few thousand kilograms that can be moved easily with simple equipment. A unit load packs tightly into warehouse racks, containers, trucks, and railcars, yet can be easily broken apart … Wikipedia
Unit Deployment Program — To reduce the number of unaccompanied tours and improve unit continuity, the Commandant of the Marine Corps, (CMC) established the Unit Deployment Program (UDP) to provide for the deployment of units to the Western Pacific (WESTPAC) for periods… … Wikipedia
Reduced instruction set computer — The acronym RISC (pronounced risk ), for reduced instruction set computing, represents a CPU design strategy emphasizing the insight that simplified instructions which do less may still provide for higher performance if this simplicity can be… … Wikipedia
reduced — /rɪ dju:st/ adjective lower ● Reduced prices have increased unit sales. ● Prices have fallen due to a reduced demand for the goods … Dictionary of banking and finance
Unit of action — Units of Action, or Units (sometimes also called beats), were first suggested by Konstantin Stanislavski as a means of helping actors determine the through line or super objective of a role. A unit is a discrete piece of action in a play text,… … Wikipedia
reduced eye — a mathematical model of the eye in which the optical systems are diagrammatically reduced to one refracting unit … Medical dictionary